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Showing posts from March, 2010

Learning to bake

Just this week I have made some bagels,-a recipe from a friend- though the shapes were not that perfect:( and Coconut Chocolate Macaroon which I have found from David Lebovitz site . It's actually my 2nd attempt to make bagels and this time I have made it right. My dearest one loved them. ;) Now going back to coconut chocolate macaroon--what can I say? Just D E L I C I O U S... I have been really busy with so many things and posting has taken a back seat. Even visiting blogs hasn't been done lately.

Livin' life to the fullest!

"You're bored!!" This was what a friend told me when I asked her something about knitting. I have recently learned how to knit and would like to make a poncho for Karen. Some project for a beginner like me, you might say, but I don't want to just stick on making scarf. This also applies to my current status:stay-at-home mom/wife. Being a stay-at-home mother isn't the be all and end all. It's an experience which for me open up so many things, no financial rewards that's for sure but I have got to try so many things which made me realized my capabilities. Of course, I have dreamed of doing this and that, earning this amount, wearing the latest fashion,etc. However, circumstances led me to where I am now because I also dreamnt of one day being a wife,of having children,of having a family of my own.So now, as I live my dream--I don't want to miss the chance given to me. I want to experience it wholeheartedly and without qualms.

Feels like spring

It's still chilly but sunny and the latter brings promise to a better weather ahead.I have stopped using the dryer and opted to hang our clothes outside. My tulips are slowly sprouting and I have prepared some of my pots for planting next week. Karen played outside without her down jacket. And we sat outside drinking our coffee and admiring the beautiful weather.

Homemade playdough

She wanted some play dough,so I have promised her that I will get two jars once I did the grocery. Then I remember reading a recipe from "The Tightwad Gazette" by Amy Dacyczyn. But you can find one here or here. I have in our pantry most of the ingredients aside from the food color.This just cost me 2.10 sf for the two tubes of red and green and I also made half on what was indicated in the recipe. It was so easy and quick to make.So in less than 15 minutes,Karen was already kneading. I was so elated to see her having fun with the homemade play dough.Ah!the joy of motherhood.

Little people's out-of-town wkend do's and don't

Do ask your father's permission before going to the village Don't show your host that you are bored. Don't worry if girls talk so loud, they will get tired eventually! Do bring a partner to dance with. Do go out with a bonnet that matches the pullover. but most of all, Dance,laugh and enjoy!!

Just one of those nights

I locked the kitchen door and yet their crying penetrate the room. As I continue my knitting, my inner calm came back and so I went out to check on the girls. It wasn't a quiet Sunday night--my eldest is sick and Erin is teething. The two were supposed to be asleep at this hour, but decided to get their Nanay's attention at the same time. I was tired and really upset, so after some time I decided to take a time out and found myself in the kitchen. That wasn't a bad idea after all. No, I didn't binge on chocolates but sat and knit. As much as I love my girls there are times that I need to have a break so as to be more effective as a mother. There was guilt as I closed the kitchen door but controlling my emotions and not yelling nor bursting out crying because of frustration works for me. It was a bit calm as I went out of the kitchen-Karen was fast asleep, still got a fever; Erin was faintly crying. I held her. She stopped. Smiled...and tomorrow's another day.