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Showing posts from April, 2013

...just groovin'!

It seems she's enjoying her promenade.

Wild & vivid

It's late but the caffeine is kicking in. Time to experiment with instagram...

A new life for Crayola

When you don't want your girls to watch too many Winx episodes. When their noise is too much to bear. When you tried to review but couldn't. Then it's time to gather all those broken crayolas in the house. Sit down with your girls,sort out the colors and enjoy the moment...

Nature's lesson

Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience. - Ralph Waldo Emerson -

A not-so-ordinary day

It was still chilly but the sun was awfully inviting so we trooped outside, joining my other half who has been cutting wood. The girls were squeaking with delight, throwing stones into the river, running here and there, stopping only to take some biscuits. It was a wonderful sunny day. So, I await for you, summer!


Very soon, this will all be a thing of the past...but for now-- toil, labor, persevere.