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Beau Sanchez

He claimed that he took french course during college and that his name can attest to that. Well, beau which means handsome really sounds Bo when you pronounce it. Bo or Beau, it doesn't really matter. What's important is the man behind that name who is an accomplished person and is changing people's lives. After England and Scotland,Bro.Bo Sanchez' final stop was Switzerland. It was at the John Paul XXlll Parish Church in Petit Saconnex where he was warmly welcomed by the Pinoys living in Genève. His talk was centered on ways to be happy. I would like to share them in the hope that someone will be filled with happines and positive outlook in life.
Four Ways To Be Happy
  1. Always be grateful (l Thessalonians 5:18)
  2. Focus on the good, on the blessings that God has given you.
  3. Always be trusting (1 Peter 5:7)
  4. Unload all your worries on Him,since He is looking after you! Focus on what you can control, worry not about the things you can't.
  5. Be passionate. Have an exciting vision.(Matthew 17:20)
  6. Know what you want in life, lift them up to God every single day. Dream big dreams!
  7. Always be loving. Fullfill your highest purpose.(Matthew 22:37-39)
  8. The greatest moment of one's life is having to love.
It was a lively talk and an inspiring one. I went home with a refreshed attitude. Suddenly the heat of the sun is not a bothersome, just a reminder of God's love and blessings. Have a lovely summer!!
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