Genève is considered to be the 7th costly European city and finding ways to penny pinch needs more than just buying on sale. I consider myself a neophyte on frugal living and am looking forward to be in the ranking of the Frugal Zealot. ; ) So, how do I spend less?
magazines--where to get them for free or under 5sf?
- family/friends-I let them know my interest on these.
- local library- they have loads of reading materials which can be taken home.
- American library -they sell magazines really cheap and recently I found the latest issue of The Garden for only 2sf.
books--I still can't be 100% thrifty on these. Though I indulge myself from time to time to get a new one, mostly, I buy second hand-where?
- book sale
- Renfile
- Caritas
- kermesse (church/school)
Karen's clothes--gifts from family and friends, otherwise I go to "Bourse aux Vêtements", they sell inexpensive children clothes in very good condition.
The places I have mentioned are just few examples where to get things at a low price because in my quest to live frugally, I have discovered that Genève has a lot to offer, maybe not in the sense that I want it to be, but all the same, the city is full of possibilities.
Vêt'Shop Vintage
Vêtements sélectionnés dans le but de séduire la clientèle et de soutenir les activités de la Croix-Rouge genevoise.
Rue des Étuves 16
1201 Genève
tél.: +41 22 738 74 40
Du mardi au vendredi: 10h15 - 18h45
Le samedi: 13h30 - 17h00
Vêt'Shop Friperie des Eaux-Vives
Magasin de vêtements choisis pour femmes.
Rue des Eaux-Vives 84
1207 Genève
tél.: +41 22 736 34 45
Du mardi au vendredi: 10h15 - 18h45
Le samedi: 13h30 - 17h00
Vêt'Shop Baby Grottes
Magasin de vêtements et jouets à prix doux pour enfants de 0 à 9 ans.
Rue des Grottes 20
1201 Genève
tél.: +41 22 734 88 53
Du mardi au vendredi: 10h15 - 18h45
Samedi: fermé
Indeed Europe is expensive. So mostly of my furniture are second hand..its not that old but also nice and of course, we save more money! clothes-- I wait, if there is sale, mostly at the end of the season ( I buy only if I need it ;-)
Thanx 4 dropping by the way to my blog..Have a nice day.