It's kinda late but I can't sleep yet, of course baby Karen is already fast asleep and his father is snoring :). There is the sound of our electric fan but other than that, it's is so calm. I have already tidied up the apartment but something is bothering me. The reason? This afternoon I have seen the sister of a friend and she is looking well and slim. What's her secret? Exercise! What? No fancy diet? Yep!! Just exercise.
I really envy her because she was motivated and was focused on her goal. I, on the other hand, always have a reason not to exercise. It is not in my vocabulary, etc.etc.. Before giving birth I have set my goal to get back in shape, to be able to fit into my jeans. Somehow that goal has been forgotten and other priorities have come into the surface but the universe has a strange way of reminding me of my long forgotten goal.This coming wkend is the baptism of my friend's daughter and I managed not to panic on what to wear (I will be one of the godmothers.), but then I met this lady and all of a sudden nothing fits me. There you go--I really need to exercise and I will start tomorrow. I will be motivated to exercise. I will be more discipline. I will not have a 2nd serving of my husband's cooking. I will exercise. I will be in better shape. To be continued...