I have got this tag from T☺ni.
The object is to complete each of the following snippets. I have included the blank ones at the end of this post so they can easily be copied and pasted.
Participants: Startin’ A New Life, Too / All Things Me / Because Life Is Fun / Feels Like Home / My Happy Place / Iam Dzoi / Suburban Sass / To the Moon and Back / Raising Sandy / Mommy Talks / Aggie Shoots. Aggie Scraps / All Kinds of Me Stuff / The Salad Caper / Winding Creek Circle / InkBabyStudios / My Colorful World/ Random Thoughts / Explore Manila / My Online World / My Life in this Wonderful World/ In Depth /Pinay WAHM. / Small and Simple Things / My Life.... My Journey!/ My Life's Rollercoaster Ride/ T☺ni's Attachments/ MissusBountyBasket/YOU
I am: Mayet
I think: of sorting out Karen's stuff.
I know: that I will find a job soon.
I have: a new dress! Yehey!
I wish: to have a flat stomach.
I hate: being late.
I miss: my family back home.
I fear: being alone in the dark.
I hear: the voice of Karen.
I smell: lavender.
I crave: for chocolates.
I search: for fortune. ;)
I wonder: and wonder.
I regret: not taking Spanish language lesson seriously.
I love: hubby and Karen.
I ache:
I am not: snobbish
I believe: love and persistence will find a way!
I dance: to the tune of hickory dickory dock!
I sing: Ako ay may lobo to Karen.
I cry: easily.
I fight: for my right.
I win:
I lose:
I never: want to be separated with my canon.
I always: carry my backpack
I confuse:
I listen: intently to friends who talk to me.
I can usually be found: at home with my baby.
I am scared: of heights
I need: a new pair of shoes.
I am happy about: being here with my Papa and Galinette.
I imagine: being a millionaire.
I am now passing this on to lxndreasb and Isah Marie