I have got this tag from T☺ni.
The object is to complete each of the following snippets. I have included the blank ones at the end of this post so they can easily be copied and pasted.
Participants: Startin’ A New Life, Too / All Things Me / Because Life Is Fun / Feels Like Home / My Happy Place / Iam Dzoi / Suburban Sass / To the Moon and Back / Raising Sandy / Mommy Talks / Aggie Shoots. Aggie Scraps / All Kinds of Me Stuff / The Salad Caper / Winding Creek Circle / InkBabyStudios / My Colorful World/ Random Thoughts / Explore Manila / My Online World / My Life in this Wonderful World/ In Depth /Pinay WAHM. / Small and Simple Things / My Life.... My Journey!/ My Life's Rollercoaster Ride/ T☺ni's Attachments/ MissusBountyBasket/YOU
I am: Mayet
I think: of sorting out Karen's stuff.
I know: that I will find a job soon.
I have: a new dress! Yehey!
I wish: to have a flat stomach.
I hate: being late.
I miss: my family back home.
I fear: being alone in the dark.
I hear: the voice of Karen.
I smell: lavender.
I crave: for chocolates.
I search: for fortune. ;)
I wonder: and wonder.
I regret: not taking Spanish language lesson seriously.
I love: hubby and Karen.
I ache:
I am not: snobbish
I believe: love and persistence will find a way!
I dance: to the tune of hickory dickory dock!
I sing: Ako ay may lobo to Karen.
I cry: easily.
I fight: for my right.
I win:
I lose:
I never: want to be separated with my canon.
I always: carry my backpack
I confuse:
I listen: intently to friends who talk to me.
I can usually be found: at home with my baby.
I am scared: of heights
I need: a new pair of shoes.
I am happy about: being here with my Papa and Galinette.
I imagine: being a millionaire.
I am now passing this on to lxndreasb and Isah Marie
It's kinda hard to get up early again after 2 weeks of staying up late.I've started taking the girls early to bed and of course, they're awake at around 6h30. My husband on the other hand has started working and I think he misses his late mornings. Now it's back to normal sched again. Now, I'm lazily doing my chores and still hoping that my mug of coffee will take effect soon. How do you get back to normal routine after weeks of vacation? You might also like: and I need a new pair of shoes!!! Destination - - Paris, France Retiring with Papa Piolo? Finding Nemo EVERYWHERE!!