I love thee when you keep
the radio's volume soft,
when you arrange your school
papers in a neat stack.
I love thee when you take
the empty bottles down the garbage,
I love thee when you remember
that Wednesday is the paper day
when you empty your ashtray.
I love thee when you
leave the kitchen table clean
and when you wipe the spilt coffee
from our just washed kitchen sink.
I love thee when you put
your clothes in the washing,
when you dry your feet before
going out the bathroom after bathing.
I love thee when you keep
your shoes in the shoe rack
and when you put things back
I love thee when you keep
the bar spic and span
and when you close the cupboard
when you get what you want.
I love thee even when I am out of breath,
taking the stairs with baby K in my arms,
smile... this I ought not to forget
for wrinkles appear every now and then.
So remember dear, I truly love thee...
sometimes I just don't want to count the ways :)
happy heart's day =)
hoping you can follow and link up if you haven't yet =)
online journal
my soltero baby