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First day

So this is how it feels. Seeing my daughter excitedly walk to school. Her first day. I am excited. Worried... Alright. Scared... Will she get along with the other kids? Will she eat her snack. There are so many questions.

But just like in everything she did--from her first drawing to riding a bike, I'm learning to stay aside and just "watch" let her discover her own world, safe in the knowledge that she's going to be alright.


joy said…
Glad your back again:) good luck ti your sweet daughter!
anney said…
Mukha namn syang excited pumasok e. Yung isa kong niece nung una ayaw pumasok sa school ang gusto nya mag computer lang sa!
sulitipid said…

Nice blog would you like to follow my blog I'll

follow yours too. If you like we can also exchange link.

sulitipid said…

Nice blog would you like to follow my blog I'll

follow yours too. If you like we can also exchange link.

MJ said…
Hello Kamosta na Mommy Mayet? pwede ka send email nako...ganahan man ko sa imo mga post gud mao gusto ko makapag-amiga nimo hehehe!
Si Khim ni sa Sweden...pwede dili na ni nimo i post sa imo blogg Thanks..keep in touch ta sa email.

Take care/Khim
Balut said…
Hello dear missin you here :(

Just want you to know that you're one of my "dearest" in the blogosphere :)
Joel said…
Hi, Nice post thanks for sharing. Would you please consider adding a link to my website on your page. Please email me back.



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