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Days have passed and I wonder when to write. To sit down and just write all the things that had happened during the past few days but I'm keeping it off for a long while now. It's not the lack of inspiration but there's not really an urge to share what I have in mind. 
Thoughts of altogether leaving my blog entered my mind, but the need to express my feelings in writing persisted.

This is a draft written in 2011.  And there are 200-something of them on the list. I want to select which ones are worth keeping and finish each and every one of them, this means sticking to my plan for writing. According to this book, one has to choose one goal at a time. Focus on just one. 
But focusing on just one made me anxious about my time here. 
How can I do the other things I'd like to accomplish like learn another language, have 250 subscribers on youtube by February, write a book, optimize my health, augment my earning capabilities and pass my driver's license

If it feels overwhelming, I learned that it's better to prioritize and take small steps to work on a particular goal. It takes practice nonetheless doable. Besides, spreading myself too thin does not mean good result.

These days, I spend 45 mins on writing every morning. I have conditioned my mind to write and post once a week and presently it has become twice a week. Exercising my mind and letting the words flow. This then will lead to finding synonyms, searching for articles, and discovering interesting links. And even if my mind wanders every now and then, I stick to it, preview what  I have written, and then write once again until my 45 minutes are over. True that by focusing one can accomplish more. 
Letting my brain work and learn new things is essential to keep it healthy since there are times when I forget some things, names, and words that I am supposed to say. It scares me a bit yet thinking that I have the capacity to rewire my brain is an amazing concept.
Now, I commit to finishing what I have started and focusing on that particular task. It took me a lot of time and courage to say that this is not working anymore for my well-being. Yes, it is never too late. 

And the other goals mentioned above? I am working on it. One day at a time and that's the beauty of life.

How about you? How do you work on your goals?


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