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A long time ago,  I learned to type , however, I was not at ease with the number keypads but the letters were just a breeze. Thanks to my perseverance on sleepy Saturday mornings and some typing courses my aunt gifted me. And now here I am again, typing some more and revisiting the ease and pride I feel every time my fingers hit the keypads. There must be a reason why I have learned this, there must be a reason why I like to write in English. Maybe it's not that perfect but my brain will just switch and use Uncle Sam's vocabulary. It is awesome. Now as I turn older, a word/vocabulary sometimes skips and hides and won't come out that easily, I savor the day and time when they flow easily.  I would like to type at least  3 paragraphs and let the words turn into something useful to me or to someone who might read this but what can I say or write? I'd like to inspire someone like me, a 50-something who is trying to remember what she wanted to be when she was 5 years old.
Recent posts

Life lately

 Life is unfolding the way it should be, which makes me look forward to what's next. It's not easy to comprehend, a challenge most of the time given my old mindset yet considering the learning and unlearning that are taking place at this moment I am welcoming the shift that's taking place.  I am not writing about my 5 things TODAY.  I am still deciding if I should continue to write at 8 p.m. There are so many things to do in so little time yet I am learning to focus and put my creative energy into important things. Yet, the question of being proactive and productive as an unemployed 50-something mother of 2 creeps in. How can I do both, how can I fully engage my being to create and be creative every day? Maybe because I am worried about being labeled as lazy. Or maybe, I should stop thinking what others might say about me and just be Me.  I have been living with fear, worry, and stress most of my life. Being too kind and too nice so that there's peace around me. Saying

Clutter- 5 things TODAY

The garden. My plot is steadily taking shape hopefully in time for the greenhouse . Not much effort is needed to pull out the weeds yet it's a challenge to level the soil. I wanted to get this miniature level to make sure of that. Solution. I have finally found out my hens' problem and now, will be able to apply the proper solution for them. It will be a long process but that's how it is. Clutter . Father and daughter team clearing the attic. A part of it, nonetheless what's important is they have started. Agenda. My spring notebook is almost full not only with my to-do list but with book titles, quotes as well as recipes. There are times when not everything is accomplished yet seeing my daily written plan works for me and I function better with it. Packed lunch. Cooked chicken curry for Erin's lunch and she's not convinced that it was a curry dish. 😄 Nanay's pretend chicken curry 5 pcs chicken thigh a can of coconut milk 2 spoonfuls of Panang curry past

Altitude - TODAY

  We had a very early morning. Dropped one daughter off at the tram station , left the other while she was getting ready for school, and drove to Plateau de Glières to forage some bolet and chanterelles . It's an hour or so from Lancy . We were not the first ones to arrive and hoped to find a lot of mushrooms .  5 things TODAY. Silence. We were together in silence amidst the forest. Coffee. It was a bit cold while walking in the forest and we thought of having some coffee once we were in the village but due to time constraints went to do the grocery first and headed home in time for lunch. Next time we plan to be coffee-ready even stay longer and have the day only for gathering mushrooms Kindness. We all need that today.  Patience. Foraging mushrooms is synonymous with patience. We walk towards that goal of finding the chanterelle yet if and when there's none, it's alright. Next season again.  Being grateful. Of our time together, of the lone chanterelle and the bolet

The end? 5 things TODAY

  Thrilled to celebrate my first month of 5 ThingsTODAY posting, I let myself slip away and wasted my time waiting to recenter and get back to the flow. But rather than starting slowly and then betting back, I slipped further away and felt that I needed to take a day off and did not post anything. I felt guilty at first yet did not curse the world because that was my decision and no one was trampled on.  I thought of writing something else than my 5 things just to shake things up. Maybe I should document my plan to sort out my things. Maybe...maybe. Yet here I am again. 5 things TODAY. My truth. The most important thing that matters. The past. Should stay where it is.  Staying in awe (once again). Be it seeing an enormous walnut tree for the first time or that bird that landed on our table.  Côté Jardin . It has been a while since I listened to this garden program in TSR. Canton Vaud . Went to Aubonne , not in Ikea , mind you but to the Arboretum . Took home two pots of medicinal plan

One month - 5 things TODAY

 A month ago, three days after my birthday, I decided to write  5 things as a blog post. A very short one, less than 5 min. read.  My goal was to create something and answer the whisper of the Universe that I have been ignoring for as long as I can remember. Then I  asked? What am I supposed to write? What if nobody reads it. Then I remembered that my main goal is to create and let my life unfold without asking or waiting for other people's validation. Of course, I still check how many visit my page. But it is not the most important thing that motivates me to write and answer the whisper that's getting louder and louder. The most important thing is that after the busyness of the day, I can put Bach and let the magic begin. It does not make any sense but it's a way of getting to know myself, which  I  have long forgotten and abandoned to be able to follow the path dictated to me.  In writing my 5 things for the day, I am reconnecting to my soul and waking up the truest desir

Center - five things TODAY

  Today: Conversation. Nothing compares to talking to a friend and inspiring each other for future projects. Happiness - it's finding hazelnuts on the sidewalk while biking on my way home. And I just can't leave them there, trampled on or gathered by the machine to be thrown out and forgotten.  Kitchen . To clean up before going to bed, whatever state I'm in.  Shops. Boucherie Dussauge and Thu Hang . Two of the few places I like to go to while doing my errand in Geneva. Mairie . Went there to buy tickets for next week's day tour with Mama.