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On the road

Half-asleep and wondering why my husband wasn't complaining that I wasn't talking to him, a sudden thud and screeching sound woke me up. The car was swaying on the road. I turned to check our sleeping children and looked at my husband beside me, he was pale and surprised on what had just transpired. So he fell asleep behind the wheels even if the music was on. We were both shocked but thankful that aside from the damaged car nothing serious happened.

Lesson here: Never drive when you're tired. Refrain from sleeping to keep your husband company and talk...just keep on talking. It'll keep him awake.

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hazel said…
shucks! sorry to hear about the accident.. but glad you're whole fam is okay!
Anonymous said…
Sometimes, it's inevitable to drive even while tired. What my husband and I do, whenever we drive tired or sleepy, we stop at a rest stop or a gas station to take a 3 minute to 10 minute power nap and then drive again.
It's really dangerous, as you said, because a lot of vehicular accidents are caused by either DUI or by sleepiness.
Glad to know that you all are safe!
¨Refrain from sleeping to keep your husband company and talk...just keep on talking. It'll keep him awake.¨- so true!

I used to pretend to talk to my husband even if I´m already half asleep so that he wouldn´t fall asleep too.

Buti na lang nothing happened to all of you.
Unknown said…
Wow! That sounds so scary. I'm glad its just the car that was hurt!
janakidiary said…
good thing no one was hurt. take care
OMG! glad that your family was unharmed. i agree.. don't drive when sleepy, angry, sad.. all the extreme emotions :) keep safe

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