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He's everywhere and there's no way one can avoid him. Shopping centers, sidewalks, balconies! I have yet to see one up on the chimney.

I am not complaining, nope, just getting excited about Christmas!

thanks to Mr.P;)

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Peter said…
Hi! Problems seen so far. Get rid of the height attribute for the third column - where it mentions - Retiring with Papa Piolo?.

Clicking on the images don't take me anywhere. For the images look for html;" and replace with html'"

See how that goes and I will check back later. Now, if you have Windows Live Writer you can practise there before committing it to the blog.

Take Care,
Peter said…
Hi! The small icons work for me, so thats obviously alright - Peter.
Peter said…
That's fast, all images now working. Great work! - Peter
Peter said…
Re Papa Piolo, look for cellpadding="2" width="100" height="100" and remove height="100" - Peter
Peter said…
Re bottom of third column atom/rss details. I can't see all of the icon.

Look for width="15" height= and replace with width="15" height="15"
mannoy said…
Your full of Christmas spirit.
Merry Christmas
halojin said…
I hope Santa will give me a gift this Christmas! Anyway Merry Christmas to you mayet!
anney said…
Excited na rin ako na mag Christmas na! last month ko pa nabalot ang mga gifts ko.
Peter said…
Hi! Looking good! Just one more thing. Look for bgcolor="#f0f0e9", in the second column. That's my colour background. Going on your other columns I think it should be bgcolor="#ffffff"

BTW Did you get any sleep at all?

Take Care,
Peter said…
Hi! Me again. You may want to save the small reader icon (readers.jpg) and host it where you have your other images stored, and then replace my image http address with yours!

Take Care,
Mayet said…
hi, Mr.P,
thanks so much for your help and suggestions. I might save the reader.jpg later ;) would love to get some more sleep but the girls are super-super active today!
annalyn said…
I guess Mr. P is your santa claus today eh :)

Good job Santa P :)
Peter said…
Hi! Well done! Looks and works great! You are to be congratulated! Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Take Care,
rich said…
Aww! Cute photos! ^^ Are those stuff toys on the picture on the right side?
Santa is very famous every December...
Unknown said…
Hello! Thanks for dropping by. Just visiting you back. Merry Christmas! :)

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